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Green Team East Orange is devoted to a transparent and responsive government where residents, business owners, families and students all have a stake in the future of East Orange. We are a city that is safer, cleaner, and healthier, and The Green Team for East Orange is committed to bringing more opportunities that benefit everyone from Millennials to our Seniors. Learn more about what we have accomplished with the Green Team, and details on how we are working to achieve progress tomorrow.
PUBLIC SAFETYA safe city equals a thriving city. East Orange is the safest it’s been in decades under the direction of the Green Team. Strategic investments in our police force, community and residents have resulted in a 20% drop in crime.The re-establishment of the Violent Crimes Task Force has targeted areas that were once known for gang and drug activity, helping our city to realize the lowest crime rate since 1967. The Green administration has secured hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal grants to support and enhance safety measures for residents and firefighters. Our Public Safety Officers have built strong ties with our youth. Green Team East Orange was instrumental in the reactivation of the Junior Police Explorers, Police Athletic League and Mentoring programs. We are also proud of the diversity of its Public Safety Department, which continues its legacy of representational leadership in ethnicity and gender. The East Orange Police Department is one of the most diverse in the State, with 25% of women and 80% minority. As of 2023, violent crime is down 23%, and shooting incidents are down 37%. Overall our city has seen an 80% overall decrease in violence since 2003, its lowest point since 1967. EOPD continues to support diverse representation and gender equality among its ranks. 25% of East Orange police officers are women, including our police chief, two captains and one deputy chief. EOPD has partnered with the East Orange School District and Department of Recreation & Cultural Affairs to develop safe spaces for youth for recreation and mentoring programs Launched ARRIVE Together Initiative to pair EOPD officers with certified mental health screeners to respond to 911 behavioral health crises Began renovation of four firehouses and construction of a new fire headquarters
QUALITY OF LIFECommunity Outreach: The Green Team’s governing philosophy is centered around accountability, access, and responsiveness. To that end, Mayor Green continues the popular “Mayor on the Block” initiative – bringing the government directly to the people, addressing quality of life concerns and more. Our mayor personally travels East Orange neighborhoods with the Green Team addressing the needs of residents in real time. The Green administration has resolved a variety of difficulties, ranging from dilapidated properties to tax concerns. The East Orange City Council makes it a priority to engage with residents on a regular basis, holding Ward meetings that include agency directors to address concerns onsite. Our City Council understands that the government must work for the people. In the pandemic the Council continues to meet with the community virtually. East Orange City Council members steadfastly believe that the responsibility of public service is an honor bestowed upon them and supported by the public trust. At the onset of the pandemic, the Green Team implemented a multi-pronged communication system to keep residents informed. Utilizing data analytics and technology, from seniors to millennials, our City’s leadership left no resident behind in delivering life saving services and resources. Our East Orange government organized and continues to administer free Covid-19 testing, food distribution events, and rentals assistance programs. Senior Services: Our community is a great place for all ages. The Green Team has advocated for robust programing for our active seniors, including resources to ensure that our elder population is safe, mentally and physically healthy, and most importantly, engaged. Under the Green Administration, the Department of Senior Services collaborated with the Rutgers University Advocacy for Health Living Initiative to reduce health disparities and improve the quality of life for urban seniors. Seniors are provided with hundreds of activities, day trips, workshops, and social clubs to keep them engaged and active. During the height of the pandemic, the Green Team personally delivered meals to seniors, and made frequent check ins at our senior facilities. Division of Senior Services established Senior Technology Program to distribute more than 700 free tablets to seniors who received training to help bridge digital divide Parking: Mayor Green and the East Orange City Council have partnered with the East Orange Parking Authority to implement a comprehensive parking plan that has created more reliable and safe parking for the people who live, work and visit our community. To date, some of the most congested and heavily populated areas have moved to an alternate side parking model that has alleviated issues related to overnight parking. The East Orange City Council successfully passed legislation that requires a minimum of one parking space per unit for new development to prevent future congestion. Parking Permit fees have been reduced for our residents, and the city is underways with updates that will include one-way street conversions, updated street signs, and new residential parking permits. Cultural Affairs: The Green Team for East Orange has made East Orange a Premiere Cultural Destination. The Annual MACFest brings hundreds of local food, clothing, and Art vendors to our historic City Hall. Mayor Green’s long running House Music Festival draws record breaking crowds. Our cultural melting pot has embraced the many diverse identities that make our community so unique, and The Green Team often celebrates this with a number of festive Flag Raisings and holiday celebrations that provide family friendly entertainment throughout the year and bring our community together.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTRedevelopment: In all five wards of the city, there is $2 billion in redevelopment, including the $500 million restructuring and expansion of the Brick Church Plaza and streetscape renovation of the lower Main Street Corridor, both located in our Transit Village. The city’s signature project that will serve as a catalyst for redevelopment in the heart of the city is The Crossings at Brick Church Station, which will include a new and expanded ShopRite, 75,000 of retail space, co-working space, 25,000 feet of main street retail including a sit-down restaurant, Urban Food Hall incubator for local start-ups, over 800 residential units, nearly 200 affordable units, a 7-story parking. The Green Team is committed to keeping East Orange ungentrified, while building a vibrancy that makes our city a homestead for families to grow and prosper. That’s why we’ve designated 1 out of every 5 newly constructed family units as affordable housing. Small Business: Small businesses are the largest employment sector in New jersey. Their survival ensures the prosperity of every city or town in the state. East Orange is no different and as a city whose population is predominantly of color, we must work even harder to protect our small business community. Mayor Green and our City Council has built a pro-business infrastructure aimed at the recruitment, retention, and support of minority owned businesses. Under the Green Team’s guidance, East Orange has become a haven for dozens of new small businesses that inhabit our commercial corridors, many of whom are proud East Orange residents. During the Pandemic, the Mayor and City Council has assisted small businesses with grants and other resources. Mayor Green and the City Council are committed to investing in East Orange and it’s people. They’ve reduced the number of outside vendors who handle sanitation and infrastructure repairs. Instead, we’ve hired East Orange residents to do the work, purchased much needed equipment, and simultaneously saved x in taxpayer dollars. The Green Team’s efforts have resulted in better service delivery, job creation, and an added boost to our local economy. The Green Team has and is revitalizing open spaces and public parks, making our city more family friendly. From the construction of the new skate park to the upcoming renovations at Columbian and Oval Parks, East Orange will continue to be a wonderful place to work, live, and play. The Green Team’s focus on East Orange’s stability and long-term resiliency is evident by their ability to garner the capital to repave roads, remove the aging water system and plan for a green future. Under this administration our Standard and Poor’s Long-Term Credit Rating remains A+ and the city has paved more than 20 miles of roadways
YOUTH AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTEast Orange is a vibrant and diverse community that looks to provide residents of all ages enrichment, education, and opportunity. The Green Team oversaw the expansion of a number of new initiatives for our youth, including introducing activities such as Free Football Clinics, and introductory Hockey Program hosted by the New Jersey Devils, and free ice skating for our youth. The city completed Phase 1 of the Columbian Park Renovation, which included the installation of a multi-purpose field, basketball courts, a spray park, ADA-accessible playground equipment, a walking track, and the planting of approximately 40 trees To expand our communities pledge to provide programming for children of all ages and at all levels, East Orange held an Autism Summer Camp, and introduced an all inclusive park created with children of all abilities in mind. Green Team East Orange continues to support programs that foster the development of our young residents. Under the Green Team, the Summer Work Experience Program has expanded to include programs and career paths for hundreds of our local scholars. The city has also launched a six-month rotational Externship partnership with the East Orange General Hospital and the East Orange School District which sponsors high school seniors working in the hospital to gain hands-on experience. Adjusting for the challenges of the pandemic, the Green Administration launched a Virtual Summer Work Experience Program, which gainfully employed 300 high school students, giving them access to certifications in a variety of fields, including construction, media communications, personal care, and health and wellness. The Mayor’s Office of Employment and Training continues to expand on programs promoting financial stability for our residents. Under the Leadership of the Green Team, MOET has increased full time employment by 20% and student work employment by 35%.
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